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Age: 29
Status: single
Photos: 11 Public
Seeking: men and women, have fun, extramarital relationships
Location: Sunnyvale, 94089 , Santa Clara County

Bj SEXX love & fuck!!!

local girls hookup Sunnyvale, 94089 , Santa Clara County

How about this: let's stop posting sad stories online, stop talking like you're looking for love when you're looking for a hookup, and I'll stop saying I'm looking for a good man. Instead, let's just agree to go to our local water hole - the one with decent food and good atmosphere. I'll stake out a seat at the bar and you can strike up a conversation with me using a dazzling line like, "Hey, how's it going?" and then listen for the answer.I am very open about what I want and am looking for the same.You have to tell me what you expect of me and hopefullyI can fullfill my duties for my master. You can't be afraid to demand what you need.

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