People are now more interested in local casual hookups doesn't matter male or females, here countless girls seeking single men at Valrico area

Age: 23
Status: engaged
Photos: 1 Public
Seeking: love, fuck, single man
Location: Valrico, Florida , Gulf Coast

Looking for SWM, summer FWB

local girls hookup Valrico, Florida , Gulf Coast

I wanna find a FWB to have some fun this summer. I'm not looking for commitment, LTR, texting all day every day, etc. We simply have fun together, but still live our lives the way we want. Ideally "friends" is actually included in the FWB. Possibly hang out occasionally too, besides just hooking up, if our personalities seem to fit. : )I'm 5'5", longish, wavy brown hair, blue eyes, slim/athletic build, attractive, stylish (if I do say so myself). I'm employed full-time, educated, intelligent, witty, often sarcastic, non-judgmental, extremely easy to get along with, and pretty laid back. Social drinker, 420 friendly. Hopefully you are all these things as well. Deadbeats, please do not respond.

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