People are now more interested in local casual hookups doesn't matter male or females, here countless girls seeking single men at Mount Pleasant area

Age: 29
Status: divorced
Photos: 2 Public
Seeking: love, hook-up, men
Location: Mount Pleasant, 48858 , Isabella County


local girls hookup Mount Pleasant, 48858 , Isabella County

Please be between the ages of 31-45. If you are intelligent, can hold a conversation, and are not full of yourself then please, lets talk. If you know the whole Periodic table, or can solve the Rubik's Cube. I want to hear from you Do you prefer rock and melody to Britney Spears? I am a HUGE music fan. My favorite genre of music has to be rock. I also love punk, 80's new wave, 90's alternative, indie, old country, bluegrass etc... Gotten into a lot of indie bands lately like, Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, Franz Ferdinand etc... No rap or new country for this chick. I like creative types, nerds, geeks, hippies...etc.People into art, films, music, concerts... I like cultured people. But if you can tie your shoes and say bless you when someone else sneezes... I suppose I will settle for that. I have an affinity for books, traveling, taking random road trips, cooking, laughing, music, family, movies. I love life. I love to laugh and have fun. I hate being serious. Seinfeld cracks me up. I have a very slapstick sense of humor. I am no supermodel but I think I am gorgeous ;) I have been told that I am easy on the eyes. Please include a pic when writing back. I want to see that beautiful face of yours! Then you'll get to see mine! Please be drug and disease free. No creepy crawley's for this girl! I love life and having fun. I love hanging with my family, my puppies and friends. I am pretty easy going. I am an enigma. I am weird, complicated, sensitive, sweet, mean, caring, constantly changing. I am me and there's no one else like me! Pretty much... I am AWESOME!! I love to laugh and make jokes. I am very sarcastic. I would rather laugh than be serious... "I want someone who will be monogamous and nice to his mother. And I want someone who likes musicals, but knows to just shut his mouth when I'm watching Lost. And I want someone who thinks being really into cars is lame, and strip clubs are gross. I want someone who will actually empty the dishwasher instead of just taking out forks as needed - like I do. I want someone with clean hands and feet and beefy forearms, like a damned Disney prince. And I want him to genuinely like me. Even when I'm old. And that's what I want."-Liz Lemon... It is a quote from "30 Rock" but it is so fitting and funny :) Distance is not a factor for me. It shouldn't be for you either. Can't wait to hear from you! Please put "nerd" in the subject line so I know your not spam. :)

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