People are now more interested in local casual hookups doesn't matter male or females, here countless girls seeking single men at Kennewick area

Age: 38
Status: married
Photos: 1 Public
Seeking: bi men, getting laid, several guys
Location: 99337, Kennewick, Washington

I need a personal trainer

local girls hookup 99337, Kennewick, Washington

I use to have an 18 year old personal trainer and I was so motivated to see him every day I never missed a work out and I was in the best shape of my life. I'm not looking for another 18 year old, but I am looking for an awesome personal trainer, over 21 for working out and extra benefits. I am not looking for a relationship so if you have one already that's fine. I need to get in the best shape of my life again, and I am skipping workouts again. Bored silly of working out by myself. I like to bike, walk, free weight and I have a membership to the Zoo. I use Body for Life as a map and personally I am funny creative and laugh alot. Send me an email if you are interested and we can go from there!Sarah

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